Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey Nerds! This blog's for you!

What would life on this planet be without the geeks and their dweebie goodness? Hey it's Steph, taking the wheel of the Latest Licks blog this time around. I can say with sincerity in my heart and "beep-boop-p'cheew-BOOM!'s" going round in my head that life at Sugarlips would be drab if it weren't for our dorky-uh, I mean, "totally normal" techie customers. We're not too hip to the video-game jive around here, but give us a photo and turn us loose and we'll re-create that "little grey thing-a-ma-bobber with words and buttons on it" just for you!

Now you can have your old-skool nintendo controller and eat it too!

And below for your enjoyment we have the XBOX 360. See how it gleams. Notice the detail. Don't try and plug it into the TV. It won't really work. But it'll taste great!

1. Put on and tighten the wrist strap.
2. Hold the wii remote securely and do not let go of it.
3. Allow adequate space around you during game play.
4. Eat your wii remote.

Conagrats, Grad! School's out! Now bust out the Super Mario and Legend of Zelda!

Okay so you're uber cool if you have an Ipad, everyone knows that. Add an Ipad CAKE to your repertoire, and you instantly rank with the likes of Captain Kirk, Han Solo, and my personal favorite, Lt. Commander Worf.
That's all for this installment....stay tuned...we've got a hunka'-hunka' burning blog coming up next!


  1. I'll let my nerd flag fly and admit those cakes are awesome. But obvious next question is what kinda cakes do you have for us horror nerds?

  2. what a cute store! just hear about you from plum district. we're in the mesa area too!

    if you ever want us to feature you, we have a good following. :)

    we'll definitely be in to try your yummy looking cakes!
